Thank you all for your constant support!! Each day, you would let me know that our positive campaign was on the correct course. You have made for our profound victory. I remain grateful for your friendship and support. Looking forward to January 1, 2022!

Click on the Play Button or Image toWatch A Welcome Message from Peter

A Message from Peter Crummey

Welcome to my website. Thank you for stopping by.


As you may know, I have been elected Colonie Town Supervisor.  I had the great honor of serving the citizens of the Town of Colonie as Town Justice for over 20 years and I look forward to serving Colonie as Supervisor.


I served as the Court’s Senior Town Justice and Court Administrator. The Court is often asked to determine guilt, innocence, capacity, credibility, responsibility and obligation.


Along with adjudicating matters and settling disputes, in 2010, I initiated, together with the Clerk of the Court, an annual State of the Town of Colonie Justice Court Report which details the challenges facing the Court and includes our recommendations for meeting those challenges. The Report keeps the citizens informed of Court functions and the ever escalating requirements imposed on the Town's Judiciary.

Peter Crummey and his family

Peter pictured with his daughters and son.

I continue to expand community knowledge of our legal and Court systems by guest lecturing in our local schools, hosting school groups in the Courthouse, presiding over mock trials for the benefit of our junior high school students and interviewing more than 60 judges and attorneys as Host for our Town of Colonie Library "Benchmark" television program.


The Colonie Town Justice Court is one of the busiest Courts in the State of New York handling approximately 25,000 cases per year. The Court caseload involves criminal, civil and vehicle and traffic matters. Our criminal caseload, in 2018 alone, placed the Court as the 20th busiest Criminal Court in the State of New York involving fingerprintable offenses.

Peter Crummey speaking to a crowd

Peter reading the Declaration of Independence on July 4 at the request of The Greater Loudonville Association, Colonie, NY. Peter has presented the Reading annually for 17 years in the Loudon Green.

The Town of Colonie is situated at the crossroads of the Capital Region and enjoys a population of approximately 82,000 residents. The Town, with its large retail and business presence, is often referred to as "the downtown of the Capital Region."


I had been fortunate to serve my home Town of Colonie as Town Justice and I look forward to serving as Colonie Town Supervisor.